Still Watching the Skies: Episode 110 “DARK CITY”

Nat, Cody, and Robert dive into the long awaited DARK CITY in time for Halloween.

Before there was THE MATRIX, 1998’s DARK CITY was a forerunner in which the artificiality of the world was questioned in the form of a chosen one who had his awareness raised by the events around him. In this case the chosen one was a man named John Murdoch (Rufus Sewell) whom the police suspect of being a serial killer of prostitutes in a German Expressionism inspired city of nightmares where it’s always night time.

Dark City

Whereas THE MATRIX is clearly set in something that appears to be the real world, DARK CITY is inspired by the films of the past, particularly the German Expressionism movies of the 1920s and 1930s. In particular, the themes of compulsion and how much do we control our own identity and impulses are brought up. Not to mention the antagonists of the story, the Strangers, resemble Count Orlock of Nosferatu. And, for that matter, Kiefer Sutherland appears to be doing his utmost to channel Peter Lorre.

Dark City

DARK CITY didn’t turn into a massive hit ala THE MATRIX, but it certainly has its fans, notably Roger Ebert, and has developed a cult following. I think it’s fair to say that several of us are among that cult following as we’re quite enthusiastic about DARK CITY.

Dark City

I think our mutual enthusiasm for the film carries over into the conversation. We hope you get caught up in it too.

Dark City

Sadly, we can’t directly implant this episode in your memories. However, you can give us a play below or Download the episode. Also, feel free to let us know what you think by commenting on our page at Facebook or you can Email Us at as we appreciate feedback.

Dark City

Time tracks:
0:00 – DARK CITY Discussion
1:08:13 – Next Movie and Outro

Next month, we take a special trip into the past and future of cinema with BRAINSTORM. We hope you’ll join us.

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