Sometimes we make a mistake and pick a movie that’s not really a science fiction film, even if it does have an obvious influence on Afrofuturism. And sometimes it works out to be an interesting discussion, as Nat, Cody, and Robert get our chance to take in Djibril Diop Mambéty’s TOUKI BOUKI. And after that, we discuss 2024’s year in film.
TOUKI BOUKI aka The Journey of the Hyena is something of a “lovers on the run” film. Set in 1970s Senegal, Mory (Magaye Niang) and Anta (Mareme Niang) dream of escaping colonized Dakar for glorious Paris. Only problem is a lack of money to get there. But with a clear goal in mind, they set out to achieve their dreams through various get rich quick schemes, legal or otherwise. Hijinks ensue.
Djibril Niop Mambety’s first feature is something of a touchstone of African cinema and has certainly worked its way into Afrofuturism even if it’s not a science fiction film. Restored by Martin Scorsese’s Film Foundation and gaining added prominence as 21st century film critics broadened their horizons, it’s the highest ranked African film on the Sight and Sound list.
TOUKI BOUKI takes place at an interesting time in world cinema. Following up several New Waves and Italian Neorealism, it’s one of the foundational films on the African continent while taking up lessons learned elsewhere. It’s both universal and very specific to a time and place.
And it’s complicated. It’s often hard to tell what is strictly real and what is a fantasy. And that juxtaposition certainly finds its way into Afrofuturism. As does it’s view of Colonialism and the west, viewing it as both desirable and oppressive. The western high rises amidst the huts of Dakar may as well have come from another planet.
As you can imagine, we have a lot to discuss in regards to TOUKI BOUKI. How much is “real”? And does it matter? We debate various points of the film, talk about the way the film tells its story, and discuss its themes in depth.
If that’s not all, we also have a fairly long discussion about 2024 in film, the highs, the lows, and various trends and topics.
No need to to plot an escape to Paris to listen to this episode. You can give us a play below or download the episode. Also, feel free to let us know what you think by commenting on our page at Facebook or you can Email Us at as we appreciate feedback.
Time tracks:
0:00:00 – TOUKI BOUKI Discussion
0:47:05 – 2024 in Film Discussion
1:37:24- Next Movie and Outro
Next month, we visit Roger Avary’s sophomore effort, Mr. Stitch. We hope you’ll join us.